Finding and Living Your Dharma - Part 2: 5 Stages of Discovering Your Dharma
When you are living your dharma, you are not forcing yourself to do something that is not in alignment with your true self. Instead, you are living a life that is a natural expression of who you are, your gifts, and your purpose.
A quick recap on What is Dharma?
Dharma is a Sanskrit word that refers to the unique path or purpose that each individual has in life. It encompasses the idea that we are all here for a reason and that our purpose is not only to serve ourselves but also to serve the world.
In essence, dharma is about discovering who you truly are and what you are meant to do in this world.
The statement "I never have to force my dharma. It is a natural expression of who I am" is an apt reflection of what it means to live your dharma.
Discovering your dharma is not a linear process. It is a journey that involves different stages of self-awareness, self-improvement, awakening, higher consciousness, and stepping into your dharma.
Let’s dive into five different stages of discovering your dharma:
Stage 1: Self-awareness
The first stage of discovering your dharma is self-awareness. At this stage, you begin to realise that there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing.
You may feel a sense of restlessness, a lack of fulfilment, or a deep longing for something more. This is the seed that has been planted, and you feel called to change your life. You may not know what your dharma is yet, but you know that you want to find it.
Stage 2: Self-improvement
In the second stage of discovering your dharma, you begin to make changes in your life.
You may start to read books, listen to podcasts, watch videos, and research more about self-love and self-care. You may attend webinars, workshops or retreats. You may seek out mentors or coaches to help guide you on your journey.
You may also start to dive into practices such as meditation, yoga, and journaling to help you connect with your inner self. At this stage, you are ready to improve yourself, and you start to reevaluate old habits that no longer serve you.
Stage 3: Awakening
In the third stage of discovering your dharma, you begin to awaken to a new level of consciousness.
You move from wanting to improve yourself to wanting to know yourself. You may start to dive into spirituality and become hungry to learn more about who you are before the world tells you who you’re meant to be. This may include practising meditation and yoga, improving your health and well-being with diets that suit you and nourish you, and exploring your authentic self through different experiences.
In this stage, you begin to realise all of the possibilities available to you that you had never noticed before.
Stage 4: Higher Consciousness
In the fourth stage of discovering your dharma, you begin to experience a higher level of consciousness.
You have flung open the spiritual closet and are no longer hiding your beliefs. You may realise that you are not fully aligned with your job or certain relationships at this stage. You begin to work on healing your past trauma and wounds.
You emerge as a new you and start to attract people and things that are in alignment with you.
Stage 5: Stepping Into Your Dharma
In the final stage of discovering your dharma, you begin to step into your purpose.
You start to realise why you are here, and you move from "me" to "we." You transform your life into alignment and know that you are here to serve the world.
This is the stage in which you truly embody the truth of who you are and your dharma.
In conclusion, discovering your Dharma is a journey of self-awareness, self-improvement, awakening, higher consciousness, and ultimately, stepping into your purpose. It requires your willingness to open up to questioning your beliefs, letting go of expectations, and embracing your spiritual growth.
The journey may not be easy, but it's worth it to live a life aligned with your true self and serve others with your unique gifts.