Finding and Living Your Dharma - Part 3: 6 Tips for Living Your Dharma

Original photograph by Datchy

Living your dharma means living a life that is true to who you are and using your gifts to serve others.

A quick recap on What is Dharma and the different stages of discovery.

Dharma refers to the unique path and/or purpose that each one of us has in life. There are five different stages of discovering your dharma including self-awareness, self-improvement, awakening, higher consciousness, and ultimately, stepping into your purpose.

Once you have discovered your dharma, the next step is to live it. Here are six tips for living your dharma:

1. Set Intentions

Start each day by setting an intention.

This could be anything from being more present, practising kindness and gratitude, to pursuing a particular goal. By setting intentions, you are aligning your energy with your purpose and directing it towards your goals.

2. Take Action

Once you have set your intentions, it’s time to take action.

Living your dharma requires that you take steps towards your purpose every moment of every day. This could be as simple as creating a morning ritual to check in with yourself and realign yourself before starting your day. This may look like meditation time, yoga and workout time, nourishing and energising yourself through food for your tummy and brain.

You may also create an evening ritual to include reflection, gratitude, and planning for the following day.

In addition to your daily routines, you may create and make time for personal growth including reading books, listening to podcasts, watching videos, and taking new courses to develop your skills (and feed your beautiful mind at the same time).

3. Embrace Your Unique Gifts

Your dharma is unique to you, and so are your gifts.

Embrace your talents and skills, and use them to serve others. This not only helps you to live your purpose but also brings joy and fulfilment to those around you.

4. Practice Self-Care

Living your dharma can be demanding, both mentally and physically.

It’s important to take care of yourself so that you have the energy and stamina to pursue your purpose. This could include activities such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.

5. Stay Open to Change

Living your dharma is a journey, and it’s important to stay open to change. As you grow and evolve, your purpose may shift or change altogether.

It’s important to be open to new opportunities and experiences and to trust that you are being guided towards your highest good.

6. Serve Others

Living your dharma is not just about serving yourself. It’s about using your gifts to serve others and make a positive impact in the world. Whether it’s through volunteering, mentoring, or simply being kind to others, finding ways to serve others can bring a deep sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Original photograph by Datchy

In conclusion, discovering and living your dharma is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. It requires self-awareness, courage, and a willingness to let go of old beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you. By aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with your purpose, and using your unique gifts to serve others, you can live a life of meaning, joy, and fulfilment.

Remember, your dharma is a natural expression of who you are, so trust in yourself, follow your intuition, and have faith that you are being guided towards your highest good.


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Finding and Living Your Dharma - Part 2: 5 Stages of Discovering Your Dharma