7 Tips for Self-Care While Travelling Long Haul
Remember to take care of yourself during your long haul flight, so you can arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy your trip!
Travelling long haul can be tiring and stressful, but there are several things you can do to take care of yourself during the journey. Here are some tips for self-care while travelling long haul:
1. Stay hydrated
It's important to stay hydrated during long haul flights as the air in the cabin can be dry. Drink plenty of water, and avoid caffeine and alcohol as they can dehydrate you.
2. Move around
Sitting for long periods can be bad for your circulation and lead to swelling in your legs and feet. Get up and walk around the cabin whenever possible, or do some simple exercises in your seat to keep your blood flowing.
3. Pack healthy snacks
Airplane food may not always be the healthiest option, so pack some healthy snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, and protein bars to keep you energised and full. If you can bring fresh fruits on board too then we recommend bananas, apples, and/or orange to keep you nourish during your flight.
4. Sleep (a lot!)
Try to get as much sleep and rest as you can during the flight, especially if you are crossing different time zones. Bring earplugs, an eye mask, and a neck pillow to make sleeping more comfortable.
Alternatively, you may want to try meditation! We always find that meditation helps calming our nervous system down enabling us to get better rest and unwind our minds.
5. Take care of your skin
The dry air in the cabin can also take a toll on your skin. Bring a moisturiser, lip balm, and facial mist to keep your skin hydrated and refreshed. If you don’t mind trying something different you could even bring your own beauty mask and turn your long-haul into a fun pampering flight.
6. Entertainment
Bring some entertainment, such as a nice book, download your favourite Netflix movie and series, listen to podcast, or play your favourite tracks on Spotify to keep you occupied during the flight and help you relax.
7. Dress comfortably
Wear comfortable clothes and shoes that allow you to move around easily and won't restrict your circulation.
To sum up…
All in all, self-care while travelling long-haul is not a luxury! But it’s essential! How you feel when you arrived at the destination will determine the first few days of your holiday so if you plan well, plan ahead, and if you could check-in with yourself and be honest and realistic about your travel plan you can save so much stress.
Remember to take care of yourself during your long haul flight, so you can arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy your trip!